Irish Medicines Formulary; the core of confident prescribing and medicines safety.

Three principles make IMF the preferred choice of leading doctors, dentists, pharmacists and nurses:

  • IMF is fully complete
    IMF is Ireland-specific
    IMF is 100% independent

All medicines information in a single place

Only by using the power of IMF can health professionals instantly access details for all medicines licensed and marketed in Ireland. All original brands and all generics. Biologicals, vaccines, medical devices and nutritional supplements are also included.

Irish information for Irish healthcare

The information in IMF is relevant to Ireland and the Irish healthcare system.
Product names are those licensed in Ireland (and may be marketed by different brand names elsewhere). All prices are in Euro and reimbursement details are specific for the HSE/PCRS. Medical query contact details for the companies are relevant to practitioners calling from Ireland. Prescribing guidelines, pharmacovigilance updates and vaccine schedules are Ireland-specific.

Precise information without distraction

There are no drug advertisements in IMF. There are no opinions, only the approved license information.
When consulting IMF, professionals are 100% confident that they are using clean, factual medicines information.
At every stage of medicines management, from prescribing and dispensing to administration and monitoring, IMF provides confidence.
Evidence-based reasons for clinical decisions that improve patient outcomes.

Rapid search functions, rapid answers

IMF is designed for use in busy practice: in the online version, the predictive text search function helps you find the drug by just typing in the first 3 letters. The search results are immediate. The book is produced in full-colour with multiple options for searching - contents page, chapters, sub-chapters and a powerful index.

Whether you are checking the brand name, available generics, dosage, formulation type, potential drug-drug interactions (and TYPE of interaction), adverse events, contraindications, use in pregnancy (or sport or driving), reimbursement status or price (in Ireland in Euro) - use IMF to get the right information.

Doctors, dentists, pharmacists and nurses - IMF powers multi-disciplinary care without errors.